5 Things to Consider for Box Build Assembly Process
Box-build, which is also referred to as systems integration, is an assembly work other than a printed circuit board (PCB) production. It is an electromechanical assembly process, which includes enclosure fabrication, installation and routing of cabling or wire harnesses, and installation of sub-assemblies and components. The box build can mean a PCB Assembly (PCBA) in a big cabinet full of wires, or a small enclosure, or a complex fully integrated electro-mechanical system with pneumatics and electronics. Absolute Electronics PCB assembly USA - Absolute PCB assembly has been offering high-quality PCB assembly services in the USA to various companies in a broad spectrum of industries, from consumer electronics to telecommunications. What does the Box Build Assembly Services Include? Box Build Assembly Services include: System Level Assembly Product Assembly Sub-Level Product Assembly Packaging & Labeling Testing Software Loading and Product Configuration Aftermarket Service a...